Virtual horticultural therapy via Zoom. Pot up and arrange bulb sets to deliver dead-of-Winter blooms. Each client will be given a variety of bulbs to force for indoor or outdoor flowers. Class materials to be picked up at Ann’s Place starting Jan 3. Clients will be required to provide a few items for remote exercise. E-mail will be sent with instructions to clients week prior to class.
Registration for class closed December 30.
Day: Tuesday Date: January 10 Time: 3:00 – 4:30 p.m. Place: Virtual only through Zoom Facilitator: Erik Keller, Horticultural Therapist Register: via the Ann’s Place Portal (under Horticulture Therapy) By email: Call: 203-790-6568 x 109
If you cannot attend, please call 203-790-6568 x 109 to cancel.