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Ann's Place Art Walk

  • Ann's Place Inc. 80 Saw Mill Road Danbury, CT 06810 (map)

Join us for this delightful show of our client and community artwork!

A Call For Donated Artwork

Artists from our community are welcome to donate pieces of art work which can be sold to help cover the cost of art therapy for people facing cancer or the loss of a loved one to cancer. If you would like to donate a work of art (thank you!), please send a photo, dimensions, artist name and estimated value to

Art Walk Sponsors

If you are interested in sponsoring the Art Wal, contact, 203-790-6568 x102.

Visionary Benefactor - $2,500 - Two minute speech, social media recognition and recognition in newsletter, featured logo with clickable link on website, name and logo on flyer, including name and logo on banner featured during event

Artistic Advocate - $1,000 - Name and logo on the flyer, social media recognition, featured logo with clickable link on the website, and name on banner

Hors D’Oeuvres Provider - $250 - Name or logo at hors d’oeuvres station table card