Save the Date! April 30, 2025
Thank you for an incredible evening!
You raised enough funds to help 167 people receive cancer services for a whole year!
Thank You To Our 2024 Models and Committees (We are so grateful for your hard work!)
Jennifer Kasinskas
Rosemary Dalession Kasinskas
Stephanie King-Gottwald
Claire Lewis
Caitlin Madhoun
Peggy Marconi
Keenan McMahon
Kelly Pellizzari
Rachel Quinn
Robert Salaga
Christine Santori
Theresa Santoro
Dr. Carinne Anderson
Rebecca Antista
Andrea Atkins
Rebecca Baglio
Sandi Barry
Cara Capilli
Kelsey Flanagan
Michelle Flegel
Philomena Florio
Emi Gonzalez
Laura Holdgrafer
Harriet Hanlon
Junior Committee
Lily Bevington
Lillie Carballo
Rose Carballo
Ariana Carretta
Lily Meyerhoff
Lorelei Meyerhoff
Lily Rutig
Fashion Show Committee
Allison Carballo (Co-Chair)
Danielle Varielli (Co-Chair)
Peggy Marconi (Founder)
Andrea Minardi
Ryan Meyerhoff
Kristy Pylypshyn
Lynn Stubbe
Kim Tuccio