How to Donate Securities to Ann's Place

Thank you for considering a donation of stock securities to Ann's Place. Giving via securities (i.e. stock or mutual funds), particularly those which have increased in value, may reduce your taxes while making the biggest impact for Ann’s Place. Speak with your tax professional about your specific situation.

There are 2 simple steps to make the donation.

1.Inform us of the pending Gift by completing this form:


2. Send the Securities

It is easiest to gift the securities via electronic transfer (in which your broker transfers shares using Ann’s Place DTC number). You must contact your broker to initiate the transfer.

To Send Electronically:
Ives Bank
Receiving institution account number- ABM046574
Account Title- Ann’s Place Inc.
DTC number 0443 (Pershing LLC)

Name of receiving charitable organization-
Ann’s Place Inc.
Contact name at charitable organization-
John Stam - 203-790-6568 x104